

Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Singapore 2023: Session 2: Can We Create Real Alternative Reality?


Join us at the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Singapore 2023 on February 25th, 2023 the Meeting Point (73B Ayer Rajah Crescent, Singapore 139966), hosted by Leave a Nest Singapore. We are proud to present the panelists for the second session, titled " Can We Create Real Alternative Reality?"


The Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Singapore 2023 promises to be a valuable opportunity for experts to share their knowledge and insights on the possibilities for Hub to Hub connection for each player. Don't miss this chance to learn and discuss the opinions and ideas on how we can bring each player to bring in value to connect Hub to Hub inclusive way of developing the communities.


In this session, the panelists are  "Dr. Lee" from A*STAR, "Opsis" - a ASTAR spinoff startup which develops an AI based technology to read the emotion of people through facial expression and body motion and "tonari" - a Japanese startup which provides real time very low latency eye to eye contact video streaming communication system with new interesting technology. The tonari system which makes natural communication with counterparts gives the feeling that both the parties are in the same room. It was first implemented in Leave a Nest Singapore, and also first in ASEAN countries. 


Also in this session, Prof. Lee from A* STAR will share the importance of AI  in the evolving communication and healthcare sectors and how the industry transforms with AI. Representatives from Tonari Opsis may discuss how their collaboration may provide possible solutions to the issue. As a Academia, how the digital solution can solve problems and give insights how the AI technologies could improve it further. The session is moderated by Real Tech Holdings Singapore.

In addition to this, there will be demo tour to experience the tonari technology during lunch time of the conference.

Click here to know more about tonari tour




Aaron L Khoo, Biz. Dev. Consulting, tonari

A seasoned consultant with a focus on people, Aaron has been helping both international and local businesses grow through business development, key account management, and brand consulting. At tonari, Aaron supports our partners, clients, and operations in Singapore.


Lee Hwee Kuan, Deputy Director for Training and Talent Development and Head of Cellular Image Informatics Division, A*STAR’s Bioinformatics Institute (BII).

Dr. Lee is the Deputy Director for Training and Talent Development at A*STAR’s Bioinformatics Institute (BII). He also heads the Cellular Image informatics division at (BII). His current research work involves developing Artificial Intelligence algorithms for better healthcare. Dr. Lee obtained his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Carnegie Mellon University. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in Oak Ridge National laboratory and Japan before returning to Singapore. Dr. Lee also holds multiple appointments in institutions to fulfil other research and teaching roles.


Peirce Ong, COO, Opsis Pte.Ltd.

Peirce has a career spanning the last 23 years in the IT & Technology industry. He is a serial entrepreneur who started his journey into the business world at the age of 28, and since then has started, run, and sold 3 enterprises. He is currently the Chief Operating Officer of Opsis Pte Ltd. Opsis is an A*STAR spinoff focused on Emotion AI or Emotion Recognition technology. Prior to Opsis, Peirce was in sales, marketing, and management roles. He led the companies which were specialised in Digital Transformation, Strategic Digital Branding & Marketing, and Artificial Intelligence. Peirce obtained his Master of Business Administration MBA degree from University of Roehampton London.



Louis Marayama, Director, Real Tech Holdings Singapore

Louis is a Plant Biotechnologist by training (M.Sc. University of Freiburg, Germany) He worked as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Jagiellonian University. In 2017, he joined the Tokyo office of Boston Consulting Group as a management consultant, where he specialized on corporate strategy and finance, advising firms on M&A, PMI and TSR (total shareholder return) maximization. Louis joined Real Tech Holdings as Growth Manager where he is currently providing strategic business development advice to portfolio companies.


Conference Details and Timeline
  • Date: 25th February 2023
  • Time: 10:00~17:30 (GMT +8, Singapore time)
  • Venue: the Meeting Point, 73B Ayer Rajah Crescent, Singapore 139966


Main hall
10:00-10:15 Opening ceremony
10:15-11:00 Research Splash
11:00-12:00 Poster Session
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break/tonari tour
13:00-14:00 Keynote Session: Hub to Hub Connection Brings X to Singapore
14:00-15:00 Session 2: Can we Create Real Alternative Reality?
15:00-16:00 Session 3: Next IT ~Infrastructure Transformers~ What are we transforming to?
16:00-17:00 Session 4: Translating Tech from Lab to Market: Towards unlocking market needs
17:00-17:30 Closing Remarks


For those who are interested to join the conference, click the link below to register.

→Registration as audience←


If you are researcher wanting to share your research ideas/results register to join poster session with research splash by clicking link below


→Registration as splash/poster presenter←


To know more updates about the conference and panelists, watch out for future announcements on the website.

For more details, kindly visit our Official HIC website
For inquiries, drop us an email at [email protected]